Nothing New/Check out Broken Humor

This week has been a very in-between week with nothing new to report. I will probably start work this weekend and will talk about that more later once I find out what I’m doing exactly. It’s a crazy time for educators or aspiring educators like myself.

Since I haven’t felt inspired to write anything on here this week and sure I will once I get to the weekend, I will mention that the WordPress blog for Broken Humor is now up and updated. I mentioned previously how this is a side project that me and my best friend are working on for fun, but hopefully gain followers and people who enjoy the Vine videos we make. For more information about us, check out our WordPress site here, and feel free to follow us on Vine and/or twitter and follow our blog which will be updated at least a couple of times a week with new videos. I hope you enjoy!

My Week of Music, Pre Plugs, and What Else I’m Working On

My excuse for not posting is the eventful week that I’ve been having despite however it might look on paper. Hopefully tomorrow with my off day I will be inspired to post something with substance, but here is my boring, never-get-any-subscribers-with-this update.

I wish I could say the job search is moving forward, but despite the unknown right now, it is kind of staying in one place. With that being said, music projects are picking up and I feel like that keeps me happy and distracted from things that just aren’t happening at the moment. I am playing a short private event tonight with members of the Matt McCallie orchestra this evening, and then on Friday I am finally making my debut with Boogiefoot at Danno’s. Boogiefoot has been playing around the Saint Louis area for over six years now, and play a variety of fun music including songs from Steely Dan, The Crusaders, Trombone Shorty, and many others. Here is the Facebook event page, and you can also check out our personal Facebook page from there.

Looking ahead, this weekend I will be doing some more recording and begin to look ahead to other possible projects that I won’t talk about more until I know more.

Me and my best friend Nolan have decided to start our own joint account on Vine called Broken Humor and come out with funny short videos to promote laughter and happiness. We have only started brainstorming ideas about what we will work ahead towards, but have many great ideas so far. This project will be more for fun, but I hope we will eventually gain followers and have progress with the characters and segments we create. I will be creating a WordPress page in the future for BH and hopefully a domain to go with it, but for now here is our Facebook page that we will be promoting once we release videos sometime the beginning of next week.